Hi, I'm Aleen. Need an assistant for your creative business? I have a focus in Arts, Design, Branding, and Photography & Videography with a BFA in Fine Arts and Graphic Design. I'm organized and motivated to accomplish tasks of all kinds for your personal and local business. I mainly use Mac iOS devices and the Adobe Suite. I'm excited to help ease your workflow for your business in office or remotely.

My hourly rate is currently at $50 per hour.
Minimum of 10 hours per week.
Please fill out the form below to begin discussing an order with me.
Brand Consultations
Competitor Research
Creative Curation
Create Documents
Create Slideshows
Event Planning
Handle Emails
Marketing Research
Marketing/Social Media Strategy
Photo Editing and Retouching
Project Management
Product Research
Scheduling and Calendar Management

Social Media Content & Copy Creation
Social Media Management
Trip Planning
Video Editing

Feel free to reach out for more details, questions, and begin our discussion by filling out the form below.
I love learning along the way, and I do my best to deliver most successfully while working together with you or solo, to figure out the best solutions. Thank you for your consideration! I look forward to working with you.

*Subject to rate changes, effective after 90 days of notice* updated 04-13-2023
Work hours are aimed at: Tuesday 11:00 - Saturday 15:00 PST
Thank you! I will get back to you shortly with a deposit invoice and contract before we get started.

Kelly from the Netherlands
2 Years ago
"Aleen is a breeze to work with! Super organized, smart and detailed. She has helped me out with a bunch of different jobs and has all completed them in a great way. I foresee us working together for a long time!"
chicafatastica from the United States
1 Year Ago
"Love this vendor!!!!! 5 stars :)"

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